Voices From Our Community

We are committed to nurturing respectful dialogue and embracing diverse perspectives regarding the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum. Aligned with the Catholic Social Teaching principle of dignity, we have created a dedicated space for individuals to share their valuable opinions on this referendum.

Through the Voices from our Community, we aim to amplify the life experiences, cultural knowledge, and unique points of view of individuals, enriching and informing the broader Catholic Church with their insights.

I just find it a bit ridiculous that 2023 our people need a voice in our own country.


I strongly support the Voice. I have been a part of a lot of the movements for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s voice, and I hope that Australia will acknowledge that it is time for the change. I hope that this will go forward to improve the outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


My children are of Aboriginal descent, and I am proud of their heritage. I believe that the Voice is a way to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to voice their needs and influence the government, how to work with them by ‘their ways of working’. It is important for the government to change their attitude and the people of Australia.


My mum raised me on country, we always yarned about the things in community with the elders. We would have respect for what they said and worked together as a community to deal with the issues. This country needs Australians to acknowledge we know what is best for us. Sure, we have problems, everyone does. But it is time for all of us to support our Voice to government and build a better future.


It’s very confusing for me too. They’re saying that it will be Voice, Truth and Treaty, and I hope they’re being honest.


Senator Patrick Dodson Labor Senator for Western Australia

I wholeheartedly support a Voice to Parliament and full implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

To me, a successful referendum would mean the country has finally accepted that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are unique and deserving of recognition in the Australian constitution.

Supporting a Voice to Parliament is an act of reconciliation. We should walk together towards a more united Australia which respects the First Peoples of this land; values Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage and culture; and provides a means for the voices of our communities to be heard.

The upcoming referendum is an opportunity for us to deal with the legacies of our history, lay the foundations for justice, and take our nation forward.

Say Yes to the Voice – Say Yes to reconciliation.

Host a Kitchen Table Conversation

Hosting a Kitchen Table Conversation (KTC) is a wonderful opportunity to bring your community together to listen, learn and reflect on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum that will be held in the coming months.
Get together as a group of friends, family, Parish community or colleagues to start the conversation.

Fr Frank Brennan and First Nations Panel

Facilitator Jane Ceolin, Director of the First Nation Directorate at ACU, Thelma Parker, The Blanket Exercise Facilitator and Dean Parkin, Campaign Director of Yes 23 were joined by Fr frank Brennan and Bishop Tim Norton SVD, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Brisbane to discuss the Voice and the Church at Evangelisation Brisbane’s Summit23 event.

One Journey, Together.

Recognition of the past, coupled with ongoing input from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on matters that uniquely concern them, among others, are essential elements in taking meaningful steps towards justice and real reconciliation in Australia. In turn this can lead to healing, shared learning and a renewed way of relating to each other and the country we all now share. 

The resourced representations provided by the Voice on matters will be useful to thinking in other contexts. The deep spirituality and ancient connection to this country brought to legislation and policies by the Voice could act as a catalyst for community listening and discussion on different ways of being and doing life together in Australia more broadly. This will be of great value to us all. 

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