National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) proudly serves as the authentic Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice within the Australian Catholic Church. For over three decades, our unwavering involvement and meaningful collaboration with the Bishops Commission for Relations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have solidified a relationship built on trust. Our dedicated Councillors, appointed by their own communities, embody the essence of our mission — to serve as a conduit for sharing the gifts that First Australians bring to the Church in Australia, while expressing concerns and addressing challenges. Our proven model stands as an example, offering valuable lessons that might inspire and inform the broader Indigenous Voice movement.


The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander  Catholic Council is the peak advisory body to the Australian Catholic Bishops. Established in 1992, the Council has been a voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholics for over 30 years. In that time NATSICC has supported and empowered our First Nations communities to bring together their culture and faith as well as educate the wider Catholic Church on the gifts that Australia’s First Peoples bring to the Church.

The NATSICC logo depicts a willy willy, the wind force as a symbol of God’s spirit in the centre. At the top are concentric circles as symbols of God and life while at the base are depictions of men and women receiving the Holy Spirit.

The logo was designed by Olive Boddington from Western Australia.

Past NATSICC Statements

As the peak Catholic Body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, NATSICC has made a statement outlining our position on the 2023 Indigenous Voice to Parliament Referendum. As people of faith, we firmly believe in the inherent dignity and worth of every individual. A constitutionally enshrined Indigenous Voice supports and promotes this belief by providing a platform for consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples on a local level.

Uluru Statement Endorsement from 2017

In 2017 The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) expressed our support for a constitutionally enshrined Indigenous Voice to Parliament. We acknowledged that the Indigenous Voice represents a significant stride towards empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in addressing the deep-seated inequities prevalent in numerous social, economic and health indicators.

2023 NATSICC Statement on the Voice

The NATSICC Council have made a statement outlining our position on the 2023 Indigenous Voice to Parliament Referendum. We acknowledge that the Indigenous Voice represents a significant stride towards empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in addressing the deep-seated inequities prevalent in numerous social, economic and health indicators.

NATSICC Submission to The Co Design Process

In our submission, NATSICC supported our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Brothers and Sisters that came together from the 23-26 May 2017 at Uluru. They provided a roadmap to the Australian Government directly from the hearts and minds of Australia’s First People. We placed our trust in their efforts and echoed their voices by endorsing their recommendations.

Submission to the Joint Select Committee on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) is grateful for the opportunity to make a submission to the Joint Select Committee on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum. Our submission comes from a place of deep spiritual connection to culture and to our Catholic Faith.

NATSICC Chairperson John Lochowiak speaks with Fr Frank Brennan about the 2023 Indigenous Voice to Parliament Referendum, from a Catholic perspective.

The members of NATSICC came together to develop a prayer to guide Australians on their journey towards the Voice to Parliament Referendum.

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